Extra Coaching Support

Well…this week has been A LOT.

I have heard from several of you and it seems like we are all teetering between, “I’m fine” and “I am most definitely NOT fine” sometimes shifting between the two on a minute by minute basis. It is hard to feel grounded when everything else feels very up in the air. These moments are the ones that would be so easy to slap a bandaid on or to hit the easy button and numb it all out. These are also the moments that the world, our communities, and our households need our hearts and our presence. Let’s be present in our anxiety and face the unknowns with our hearts forward. I am working on ways I can be a support to you. There are a couple options below, but please reach with any suggestions.

Group Chat
Let’s get together! We all need some new faces to stare out while we are trapped inside. I will be offering a free group call on Thursday from 11:30 am-12:30 pm CST for the next two weeks. This will be a casual call where we can share coping strategies, support each other, and just spend time talking. I am limiting the number of participants to 10 so register now

One on One Check-In

I am offering a new coaching option of a 25-30-minute check-in for $40 over the next several weeks. This will be a shorter call than offered within my coaching packages if you are just needing some extra support. Please note, these calls will not include email support or a wrap-up email after our call.
*if you are a current client, I will be offering these check-in calls at a discounted rate. Please email me for a separate scheduling link.
Click to schedule

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